Being a part of the FMHS Gator Band is a great way for students to learn about music in a positive environment, create long-lasting memories of shared experiences, and to simply have fun while making music. It is a great time to be a part of our Gator Band Program! Keep reading below to discover opportunities available to our students.
Joining the Band. . .
Music education is more than just playing an instrument. It is immersing your student in a culture of successful students and teachers who care about education. It challenges each child to use the creative side of their brain while, at the same time, learning a foreign language…MUSIC.
All of the current data clearly states that students involved in music education academically out perform their non-musical counterparts. Studies also show that music students are less likely to engage in risky or negative behaviors.
“Music students out-perform non-music students on achievement tests in reading and math. Skills such as reading, anticipating, memory, listening, forecasting, recall, and concentration are developed in musical performance, and these skills are valuable to students in math, reading, and science.”
- Friedman, “An Evaluation of the Achievement in Reading and Arithmetic of Pupils in Elementary School Instrumental Music Classes,” Dissertation Abstracts International.
“Students who participated in music, who had higher achievement in music, and who were highly engaged in music had higher exam scores across all subjects, while these associations were more pronounced for those who took instrumental music rather than vocal music,” he said. “On average, the children who learned to play a musical instrument for many years, and were now playing in high school band and orchestra, were the equivalent of about one academic year ahead of their peers with regard to their English, mathematics and science skills, as measured by their exam grades.”
“A Population-Level Analysis of Associations Between School Music Participation and Academic Achievement,” by Martin Guhn, PhD, Scott D. Emerson, MSc, and Peter Gouzouasis, PhD, The University of British Columbia. Journal of Educational Psychology. Published online June 20, 2019.
What if I don’t know anything about music?
That’s ok! We will teach your child everything they need to know, step by step. From how to assemble and care for the instrument to reading notes and rhythms, we will guide your child through the process. All that is needed from you is an enthusiastic attitude and patient ears when your child comes home and makes their first sound.
What if I want to play sports or other activities?
- FMHS students can do athletics and band and are encouraged both directions. FMHS coaches and the director work together to eliminate and address conflicts.
- FMHS students can do cheerleading, dance team and pom squad along with band and our sponsors and director work together to eliminate and address conflicts.
- At every school across the country, band students are very active and often involved in many activities. Many of our band students regularly participate in sports and other activities.
What impact can this have on Academics?
- Students in band typically fare better in all academic areas
- Students in band work together to help make sure all band members are successful and more often than not are naturally good academic role models.
- Our state requires one Carnegie unit of fine arts credit in High School and band fulfills this credit.