Carpool Instructions
In preparation for our first day of school, we would like to remind students who will be dropped off to school that carpool will take place at the rear of the school via the entrance gate at the corner of Tambour Drive and Batiste Drive. Please see the attached map for a visual on the entrance.
Carpool will enter through the Batiste Drive gates on the right hand side and follow the flow of traffic around in a semi circle to the designated drop off point. Please do not allow students to exit vehicles until you have reached the drop off area indicated by the purple cones. There will be staff members out to direct and ensure a smooth drop off. Once students are dropped off, you will exit via the same gate on Batiste Drive. This is a one way system and everyone must patiently wait to both drop off and pick up students. Students will not be allowed to exit or enter vehicles at any other location other than the designated drop off/ pick up point.
This information is for carpool students only. FMHS is not a walker designated site. No student is permitted to walk onto or off of the campus. Students who do not follow the detailed procedure will be subject to disciplinary consequences as the safety of our students is a priority.