School Based Health Clinic
Fisher School Based Health Clinic
Fisher School Based Health Center is one of 11 school-based health centers Jefferson Parish School District operates in the district. Currently Fisher has
Behavioral Health Only services on campus and access to medical services at Truman School Based Health Center behind their campus.
A school-based health center is a comprehensive healthcare clinic that is housed within a school and provides students with medical and mental health services.
A key benefit of the SBHC is that it keeps students in school and parents at work and reduces emergency room visits. Consented students of the SBHC can
receive services from a licensed physician, nurse practitioner, licensed clinical social worker, or psychiatrist who can diagnose and treat physical or mental illness
early and cost effectively.
In order for a student to receive services, a written or electronic consent must be fully completed by a parent/guardian. There are no out-of-pocket costs for any
student, insured or uninsured.
All students must have a current consent and enrollment form on file to be seen at the Fisher School Based Health Center. Consent and enrollment forms are sent home at the beginning of the year; however, parents may sign their child up for services at any time during the school year. Electronic consent forms may also be found on the bottom of this webpage through a QR code or links. Paper consent forms can also be found and printed on the top of this webpage.
Co-payments are waived for all students enrolled at our SBHC. Commercial insurances including Medicaid and Medicare are accepted. Students who are
uninsured can also receive care with a consent and enrollment form on file with the health center. Services are given to all students at NO COST.
If you have an emergency outside of school hours, please call 9-1-1.
To learn more about our other school-based health programs in Jefferson Parish please visit our site at or scan:
One of our community partners at Fisher is Access Health of Louisiana. AHL partners with Jefferson Parish School to provide services at our 11 School based
Health Centers in the district. Access Health Louisiana operates 41 school-based health centers in twelve parishes. To learn more about their successful program,
Nicole Taylor, FNP
Serena Walker, LCSW
Dr. Fei Chen
Misty Bourgeois
Whitney Burnam, BSN, RN
7:15 am – 2:30 pm
Pediatric Primary Care-well & sick visits, immunizations, sports physicals, acute & diagnostic care, Behavioral Health-individual & group therapy
Fisher SBHCs Electronic Consent & Enrollment Forms:
QR Code for English consent:
QR Code for Spanish consent:
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